The "corona" phenomenon is still going on, and there seems to be no end in sight. Now Italy and Germany are again considering restrictions, which will certainly hurt the economy even more.
It is not very clear that "corona" is much more of a menace than a regular influenza, and even if it is, if such hypothetical danger really needed a complete lockdown that destroyed many livelihoods and in some cases created loneliness and despair.
I think that, strange at it may seem, Sweden took the right approach in letting its own citizens decide how to react. It is not up to the state (or should not be) to control people's movement and basically make them prisoners in their own homes, for reasons that are not still very clear.
There is a lot of contradictory information about this pandemic, we will post other news and information about it soon. But we tend to be skeptical of the mainstream view.
Just for starters, check out what the World Economic Forum is planning ("the Great Reset") as well as the Gates Foundation and others pushing for a "RNA vaccine", which could be dangerous and has not been fully tested. Do you want to be a lab rat? I don't.