Thursday, March 11, 2021

Vaccines as genetic modification

I mentioned the other day Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine, one of the supposedly "good vaccines" that saved millions of lives. This may or may not be true, however, what is less well-known is that the vaccine also had very bad effects. One of the major ones was that the rhesus monkey's kidney cells used for the creation of the vaccine, were, unbeknownst to the creators, contaminated with a virus, SV-40 (Simian Virus 40). This virus was then passed to 90% of the children and 60% of the adults vaccinated. Many decades later, this simian virus was associated with several cases of cancer. You can read more about this sad story here

But the other thing that is spooky and scary, is that Mr. Salk was not really the great medical hero that he's portrayed as being. For once, he seemed obsessed with the idea of a "wise" elite controlling human evolution and the future of mankind. In the book I mentioned below, "Survival of the Wisest", he is very clear about his ideas of using genetic modification and population control to change humanity, including a proposal to use vaccines to inject a virus that creates mutations in humans. I quote: 

"Mutations, as here defined, would also be produced by the introduction, either naturally or experimentally, of a virus into a sperm or egg cell, the genetic information of which would then be incorporated in either the DNA or RNA and transmitted. Such information might be advantageous or disadvantageous. Nevertheless, it would be transmitted hereditarily, having become part of the organism, whose survival value would then be tested in the process of natural selection." 

We have gone much further in this line of research in the last 45 years since the book was written. Today, genetically modified chicken, mice and other animals are regularly being used to create human antibodies and all kind of human genes. From that to genetically modified humans it's just a step. It's a disgusting brave new world out there, a veritable Island of Dr. Moreau of mixing human and animal genes. The mRNA vaccine or treatment is just a first move in that direction of trans-humanism. 

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